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The Beginner’s Guide to Skateboarding Tricks: From Basics to Intermediate Moves

Publish Date: 07-24-2023

Category:   Skateboarding Tips & Tricks

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started: Mastering the Basics
  • Fundamental Skateboarding Tricks
  • Intermediate Moves: Taking it to the Next Level
  • Conclusion


Skateboarding is a thrilling and dynamic sport that captivates the hearts of countless enthusiasts worldwide. If you're eager to master some awe-inspiring moves and tricks on your skateboard, you've come to the right place! In this article, we will embark on a journey through the realms of skateboarding tricks, beginning with the essential foundations and progressing to more advanced maneuvers.

From selecting the perfect skateboard and essential safety gear to mastering the art of pushing and rolling, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started. Once you're comfortable with the basics, we'll delve into fundamental tricks like the Ollie, Frontside 180, Backside 180, Kickflip, and Heelflip, which will lay the groundwork for your skateboarding prowess.

As your skills evolve, we'll take it up a notch and explore intermediate moves such as the Pop Shove-It, 360 Shove-It, Manuals, Nose Manuals, Boardslides, and Lipslides. These maneuvers will add flair and finesse to your repertoire, taking your skateboarding to new heights of creativity.

Remember, skateboarding is all about embracing progress and cultivating your unique style. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, our guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to continue your thrilling skateboarding journey. So, grab your skateboard, don your safety gear, and let's dive into the exhilarating world of skateboarding tricks!

Getting Started: Mastering the Basics

Skateboarding is a super cool and exciting sport loved by people of all ages. Whether you're a total beginner or already know a bit about skateboarding, mastering the basics is the first step to becoming a skilled rider. In this section, we'll cover everything you need to know to get started on your skateboarding journey!

Choosing the Right Skateboard and Safety Gear

Before you can hit the streets and perform cool tricks, you need to choose the right skateboard for you. Skateboards come in various shapes and sizes, so it's essential to find one that fits your style and skill level. If you're just starting, a wider and more stable board might be a good choice, while experienced riders may prefer narrower boards for more maneuverability.

Safety always comes first in skateboarding. As much fun as it is, falling is a part of the learning process, so it's crucial to wear proper safety gear. A helmet is a must to protect your head from injuries, and knee pads can prevent painful scrapes and bruises if you take a tumble. Don't forget to wear elbow pads and wrist guards too, especially if you're trying more advanced tricks.

Proper Foot Placement and Stance

Once you have your skateboard and safety gear ready, it's time to get on the board and find your stance. Stand on your skateboard with one foot on the tail (the back end) and the other foot just behind the front bolts (the nuts that hold the wheels in place). The distance between your feet should be about shoulder-width apart.

Figuring out your stance is essential for maintaining balance and control while skateboarding. Most people have either a regular or goofy stance. In a regular stance, your left foot is at the front, and you push with your right foot. In a goofy stance, it's the opposite, with your right foot at the front, and you push with your left foot. Don't worry if you're not sure which is your natural stance; you can try both and see which feels more comfortable.

Pushing and Rolling Techniques

Now that you're all set up on your skateboard, it's time to learn how to get moving! Pushing is the first step to start rolling on your board. To push, place your back foot on the ground and use it to push yourself forward while keeping your front foot on the skateboard. As you gain speed, lift your back foot back onto the board, and you're rolling!

As you're pushing, make sure to keep your weight over the board and your knees slightly bent for better balance. Try not to lean too far forward or backward, as that can throw off your balance and cause you to fall.

Once you've got the hang of pushing and rolling, practice turning by shifting your weight from side to side. To turn left, lean your weight slightly to the left, and to turn right, lean to the right. Remember, small adjustments can make a big difference in steering your skateboard.

Key Takeaway:

Mastering the basics of skateboarding involves selecting the right skateboard and safety gear, finding your proper foot placement and stance, and learning how to push and roll to get cruising smoothly. Safety, balance, and control are the key elements to set you on the path to becoming a skilled skateboarder.

Fundamental Skateboarding Tricks

Skateboarding is all about doing some seriously cool tricks, and now it's time to learn the fundamentals that'll make you a skateboarding pro! These tricks are like building blocks that open the door to a whole world of awesome moves.

Ollie: The Building Block of Tricks

The Ollie is the trick that every skateboarder needs to know. It's like the ABCs of skateboarding, the foundation for many other tricks. When you master the Ollie, you'll feel like your skateboard is glued to your feet!

Here's how you do it: STomp down the back of your skateboard (that's the tail) with your back foot while sliding your front foot forward toward the nose of the board. This makes the board jump up into the air, and it's seriously cool!

Frontside 180 and Backside 180

Once you've nailed the Ollie, it's time to start spinning your board in the air. Meet the Frontside 180 and Backside 180, two awesome tricks that'll leave your friends amazed!

The Frontside 180 means you spin your board 180 degrees in the air, turning your body in the same direction. It's like doing a half-circle in the sky. The Backside 180, on the other hand, is like doing a half-circle in the opposite direction. Both tricks take practice, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be a spinning sensation!

Kickflip and Heelflip Basics

Get ready to level up with the Kickflip and Heelflip, two classic skateboard tricks that'll make you look like a skateboarding wizard!

For the Kickflip, use your front foot to flick the edge of the skateboard down while sliding your back foot upward. This makes the board flip under you, and when you land it, it's pure magic!

The Heelflip is similar, but this time you use your back foot to flick the board. It flips in the opposite direction of the Kickflip, and it's just as impressive!

Practice these tricks, and you'll be wowing your friends at the skate park in no time!

Key Takeaway:

The fundamental skateboarding tricks, including the Ollie, Frontside 180, Backside 180, Kickflip, and Heelflip, serve as essential building blocks that lay the foundation for more advanced moves, giving you the confidence and skills to take your skateboarding to the next level.

Intermediate Moves: Taking it to the Next Level

You've aced the basics, and now it's time to up your skateboarding game with some seriously impressive intermediate moves. These tricks will add flair and finesse to your riding style, making you a standout skateboarder at the park!

Pop Shove-It and 360 Shove-It

Let's start with the Pop Shove-It, a trick that involves spinning the skateboard beneath you without using your hands. Here's how it's done: Pop the tail of your skateboard down with your back foot and use the same foot to scoop the board backward. This motion makes the board spin 180 degrees, and when you land it, it's a smooth and stylish move!

Now, if you want to take it even further, meet the 360 Shove-It. It's like the Pop Shove-It, but this time, you go all the way and make the board do a full 360-degree spin! It's a bit trickier, but with practice and determination, you'll nail it!

Manuals and Nose Manuals

Balance is the name of the game with Manuals and Nose Manuals. In a Manual, you ride on just the back wheels or front wheels, keeping the other end of the skateboard elevated. It's like gliding on a tightrope, and it's all about control and finesse!

Now, if you want to show off a bit, try the Nose Manual. It's the same idea, but this time, you balance on the front wheels, keeping the tail of the skateboard in the air. It takes some skill, but once you get it, it's a seriously cool move!

Boardslides and Lipslides

Ready to slide like a pro? Boardslides and Lipslides are smooth moves that involve sliding along an obstacle with your skateboard. It's like adding a touch of skateboarding magic to everyday objects!

For a Boardslide, you slide along the obstacle using the underside of your skateboard. It's all about finding the right angle and balance to glide smoothly.

Now, if you're feeling daring, try the Lipslide. In a Lipslide, you slide with the side of your skateboard against the obstacle. It's a bit trickier, but it looks super cool when done right!

Practice these intermediate moves, and you'll be turning heads and impressing everyone at the skate park!

Key Takeaway:

Intermediate skateboarding moves like the Pop Shove-It, 360 Shove-It, Manuals, Nose Manuals, Boardslides, and Lipslides add a touch of flair and finesse to your skateboarding style, showcasing your skills and taking your riding to the next level of awesomeness.


Congratulations, you've made it through the exciting world of skateboarding tricks! You've learned the basics, mastered fundamental moves, and taken it to the next level with some impressive intermediate tricks. But the journey doesn't end here - it's just the beginning! Skateboarding is all about progress and pushing your limits. It's about trying new things, falling, getting back up, and trying again. Every skater, no matter how experienced, started from the basics and worked their way up. So don't be discouraged if a trick feels challenging at first. With practice, dedication, and a can-do attitude, you'll achieve things you never thought possible! Remember, skateboarding is not just about performing tricks; it's also a way to express yourself and have fun. Develop your unique style, experiment with new tricks, and create your skateboarding story. The skate park is your canvas, and your skateboard is your brush - paint your own masterpiece! Along your journey, connect with other skaters, watch videos for inspiration, and join skateboarding communities. Sharing experiences and tips with fellow skateboarders can be invaluable in your growth as a rider. Most importantly, always prioritize safety. Wear your helmet and protective gear every time you ride. Skating is all about pushing boundaries, but safety should never be compromised. So, embrace progress, face challenges head-on, and keep rolling with a positive spirit. Your skateboarding journey has only just begun, and the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the ride!

Skateboard summer camp in Oregon
offers an amazing and enriching experience for kids passionate about the exhilarating world of skateboarding. These camps provide a perfect blend of skill-building, fun, and camaraderie in a safe and supportive environment. As your child embraces the art of skateboarding, they'll not only learn essential tricks and techniques from experienced instructors but also develop confidence, discipline, and perseverance as they tackle new challenges. Skateboarding camps foster a sense of community, where young riders can bond with like-minded individuals who share their passion. Beyond the ramps and tricks, these camps often include interactive workshops, engaging activities, and opportunities to explore the vibrant skate culture of Portland. Plus, with an emphasis on safety, kids are encouraged to wear protective gear and learn to respect their skateboards, instilling valuable lessons in responsibility and mindfulness. Sending your child to a skateboard summer camp in Portland, OR, could be the perfect recipe for a memorable and empowering summer experience they'll cherish for a lifetime.

To learn more about safety and skateboarding gear, click here: 
The Ultimate Guide to Skateboarding Safety: Gear, Techniques, and Best Practices

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Are skateboarding summer camps suitable for beginners?

    Absolutely! Skateboarding summer camps in Portland, OR, cater to all skill levels, from beginners to more experienced riders. Instructors are trained to provide individualized attention and support, ensuring every camper has a positive and enriching experience.

  • What should my child bring to a skateboard summer camp?

    Campers should come prepared with their skateboard, appropriate safety gear such as helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards, comfortable clothing, sunscreen, and a water bottle.

  • Is skateboarding a safe activity for kids?

    When practiced with proper safety measures and under the guidance of experienced instructors, skateboarding can be a safe and enjoyable activity for kids. Emphasizing the use of protective gear and teaching proper techniques significantly reduces the risk of injuries.

  • Can girls participate in skateboard summer camps too?

    Absolutely! Skateboarding is a sport that welcomes all genders. Skateboard summer camps encourage inclusivity and diversity, providing a welcoming environment for girls to explore and excel in skateboarding.

  • What other benefits can my child gain from attending a skateboard summer camp?

    Aside from improving skateboarding skills, attending a skateboard summer camp can promote physical fitness, enhance coordination and balance, foster social skills by interacting with other campers, and boost self-confidence through achievements in a supportive setting. Additionally, exposure to the skateboarding community can ignite a lifelong passion for the sport and its culture.

Contact Us

SEBO Skate Camp

2700 SE 67th Ave, Portland, OR 97206

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